
Saturday, November 26, 2022

"NASA said we need you to find a way to dispose of Cassini, that would protect these particular worlds."-Linda Spilker

This LPI is a classic. Linda Spilker (one of the rock-stars in planetary science) has her hands on just about every probe from Voyager on. This lecture comes shortly after the end of the Cassini mission, so it has a certain somber. Cassini's grand exit was a depressing time, since it was giving back weekly good stuff. She categorically goes over some time points of Cassini, which most of us are familiar with by now. At the time of this video it was all still quite new and exciting. 

  • At 13:20, the octagon. What jet-streams want to do if unobstructed.
  • A tour of the rings at 15:00.
  • At 16:30, ring shadows and what they imply. Half a kilometer tall ripples. Peggy.
  • At 22:05, Pan, Atlas, and Daphnis and their skirts. Daphnis surfing the rings.
  • at 26:60, Titans Lakes, Dunes, and Mountains.
  • Enceladus at 29:00.
  • Slide at 33:35. That discovery of, among other things, the electric exchange between the D-ring and Saturn. I've often liked to compare IO to Enceladus, and missed that powerful IO flux-tube, hoping that Enceladus would one day show something similar. But the rings were likely once a tiny moon, (35:00) and it's possible that moon did have an IO like flux-tube.
Cassini was so successful, so unexpectedly successful, that it compares to the Apollo, Voyager, then all the Mars missions combined. It redefined what a flagship mission can max out as. A little known fact is that Cassini actually had a contingency plan to actually leave Saturn then travel to Uranus, if Saturn had proven too boring, or it's instruments couldn't pernitrate Titan's atmosphere. Ridiculous in hindsight. 

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