
Wednesday, November 23, 2022

"Frank comes in everyday, he writes this equation on the board, we don't know what it means."-Seth Shostak

Skip ahead to 4:50. There's this thing they sometimes do where one person announces the person who will introduce the speaker. So the speaker is the third person you see. 

This is probably the closest thing to a Fermi-Paradox / Drake equation video LPI has produced. It features a speaker that LPI has used a number of times; I linked one recently. And it really does have everything you would want to know 

  • At 7:25 the alien guy mentions the Crimean War. Coincidence? Very likely.
  • Slide at 31:50 pretty much sums up the video.
To me the simplest/best explanation is one I'm quite satisfied with; we are the "old-ones". The concept is that stars need to saturate the universe through high powered super-novae. Things energetic life would need such as Phosphorus, maybe molybdenum, maybe sulfur. You get the idea. The star-cycles have got the stuff out there but not very much, and life will be more common when they do. My favorite part about this is that it puts the responsibility on us, and we have not been great with responsibility as a species.

When a telescope looks at a star it's seeing the past, and this works in reverse too. Any alien observer cannot see us until light has had time to move from us to them. So there are not very many opportunities for them to see us before we see them. We improve over time, and they need time to travel. FTL certainly takes a long while to develop. Hence, we are the old-ones, certainly within the area we've had the chance to look at, we are the more advanced society. One wonders if we can handle that.

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