
Sunday, October 9, 2022

"We are flying the entire payload. Nothing was terminated."-Curt Niebur

When you dig through LPI's YouTube channel you find a lot of videos. Most aren't lectures per se, and the ones that are come with great variety. Small vids showing a gif of something are common, talks about how the scientific community can de-jargon, outreach to students, a group of students giggling at their own jokes while feigning to give a talk, all these things are common. So are videos that cover budgets and plans. 

This a sort of a staffing, planning, and budgetary video, also it's a list of active missions. Sounds a little more boring than it is, but the major upside is that it's providing overviews of everything JPL is overseeing from the time of this talk. Much of that is old, but now you have new context. It's easy to forget how many active and ongoing missions there are; I can't remember them all. These types of talks help remind, and give a clear behind the scenes look.

  • OSIRIS-REx at 6:55, now old news, the practice maneuvers put the very recent DART impact into Dimorphos in perspective. On that note here's Dimorphos at the point of impact.  
  • DART gets a slide at 8:10 
  • LUCY at 8:25. Will be going to Jupiter's Trojans.
  • Europa Clipper at 9:35
  • SIMPLEx at 12:15 is a program involving five sub-programs, all involve low-budgets and some proof-of-concept.
  • Mars Sample Return at 13:00.
  • Artemis III (yup "3",) at 21:30.
I saw this when it was new, and later couldn't pick it out in my memory or in LPI. I was reminded because someone and I had a chat about Europa Clipper, and no one was sure what instruments were adjusted or cut, but we both were sure something was. From timestamp 24:45 you see why I went looking. Since this video is dated, I cannot swear by it, but I wanted to show everyone because I feel like these budget & management videos offer a lot of context.

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