
Saturday, July 16, 2022

Zombie fly fungus lures healthy male flies to mate with female corpses

A unique fungus survives by 'bewitching' male flies into mating with dead female flies. The longer a female fly carcass has lain and rotted, the greater the male's lust.

Link to Science Daily article

I use something similar to this in Sweet, however maybe I should use this exact example in Suffer. It's kind of a little too on-point with Venusian lore. 

Essentially the fungus is a fly STD, that happens to manipulate the behavior of the fly while consuming it. So the fungus takes turns infecting a female, then a male, and repeat. Little wonder it appears, in the end, splitting the abdomen of the fly. The fungus' name is Entomophthora Muscae. 

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