
Thursday, June 23, 2022

 One day I was playing Skyrim, and I started writing down things as I hiked along. 

Part 1 Tamriel Overview.

Part 2/9 The White River.

Part 3/9 The Throat

Part 4/9 Eastmarch

Part 5/9 The Jerall Mountains.

Part 6/9 The Rift

Part 7/9 Solstheim.

Part 8/9 Winterhold.

Part 9/9 The Pale.

Sometime soon I hope to turn this into another book. Soon being maybe a few years. I don't actually have a spot in my life where I can sit down and resume playing Skyrim, and I would have to be playing it to complete the book from where I left off. 

You can tell that I never intended to make a book of it when I wrote it. I put it up on reddit in a very raw form. The thing I regret the most about that is not the grammar and paragraph structure, it's that I expected the only people to be interested in it would be modders and the occasional nerd. But it got attention from (gasp) real geologists and geology students. That lead to some fun conversations, and gave me a clue that maybe I should follow through on this project. 

Oddly, this is not entirely unrelated to Sweet. When I first played Skyrim, the very first play-through, I was shocked at how loyal and concerned I was toward Lydia. It was not lost on me how simple she was, but I tangibly was looking at myself in 3rd person studying why I cared about this Lydia thing so much. Much of my inner thoughts from that experience colored what I think androids can be, and how to get to there from here. That stuff shows up in Sweet, including several Skyrim homages.

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