
Monday, June 13, 2022

"The Largest, Fastest, Spinning Body in the Entire Solar Sysem."-Jessica Noviello

This LPI describes a model that explains Haumea traveling in a group with other KBO's, this phenomenon is not known anywhere else. Haumea has at least two moons, a ring system, and a cluster of lesser KBO's traveling alongside it. There's gotta be a reason for that right?

That's what our speaker has been studying. She makes basically her whole argument in the first half of the video, the second half is applications, which is fun for even those who are fairly new to planetary science.

  • At 4:30 she describes how a KBO's volume is measured. More interesting that one might think.
  • At 9:30 she presents some hypothesis for the evolution of the Haumeans.
  • At 26:50 you see how she used probability to find something that could work based on available evidence.
  • Key takeaways at 33:30

This speaker produces some wonderful detailed slides. I want terribly to see more from her, the knowledge density in her lectures is just what I want to see more of. She basically was puking out stuff she knows over the second half of the lecture. If anyone wanting to learn more about KBO's (among other things) studied this lecture alone, it would take many rewatches to get it all.

We are learning that large KBO's are distinct from comets by more than just orbit, and that is the beginning of something.

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